Puzzle list

This hunt is complete, but you can still play!

Puzzle Name Your Solution (click to view)

01. International Cryptex Day

02. Welcome to the Jungle

03. Wake Up!

04. Dead Mall Mystery

05. The Haunted Cabin

06. The Bamboo Forest

07. The Wizard's Tower

08. Escape the Egyptian Tomb

09. The Red Soldier

10. Starship Escape

11. The Room of Escape



Final Puzzle

What to Do for Finale

You will see Game 12 requires a password to continue! That password is a random string of characters that have no bearing on any meta in this puzzle hunt game, but is used to gate the puzzle. You will get that password once you solve the previous game.

Game Requirements

In order to play and solve the game, it is important to make note of the following:

  • All games are browser-based and an internet connection is required.
  • Saving games require cookies to be enabled on your browser, so ad-blocks will prevent saving.
  • Some games require sound in order to be solved.
  • Due to the small screen of mobile, it is preferable to play on a desktop computer.
  • Colour is used throughout the games and some may be difficult to play without colour.
  • Since this is a puzzle hunt, it may require certain skills you may not have. Feel free to ask your friends for help.

Puzzle Info

With puzzle hunts, there are a number of places you can look to find an answer. Please keep in mind the following to narrow down your scope:

  • Each day will present you with one or more new 8-bit adventure game(s) to play. Each daily adventure game is self-contained.
  • Some adventure games contain a Cryptex; others do not.
  • Each adventure game conceals within it the information for another hidden puzzle to be used in this puzzle hunt. The puzzle hunt puzzle may require outside knowledge or research.
  • If the game contains a Cryptex, the code for the Cryptex is NOT the answer to that day's puzzle hunt puzzle.
  • You do not need to look at the source code or the filenames for any of the adventure games or material used for solving the daily game. No puzzle material is included on this web page or its source code.
  • Spelling, coding mistakes, or bugs you find are not part of any puzzle. If a glitch occurs in playing the game, that is not intended as a clue to a puzzle. Please inform us and we will update the errata in the discord.
  • You do not need to hack the website to solve the puzzles. Please do not brute-force the answers. The server will stop you from entering answers if they are entered in quick succession. There are no puzzle files on this server, so please do not crawl directories.

Questions? Find us on our discord server.


There are many helpful people on our discord server. Please remember, spelling mistakes and game bugs are not puzzles. Hints are available from the game page.